Home Insurance

Category: Insurance


Car Accidents: What Happens To The Medical Bills?

When you find yourself in a car accident, the first thing that comes to mind is the medical implications. You need to get any injuries treated, and money takes a backseat while that happens. However, you’re going to have to pay up for those medical bills shortly. Here’s the deal: if you don’t get the...


What Should you Know About Travel Insurance for Terrorism?

Are you scheduled to visit a country that has recently experienced a terrorist attack? If yes, then you should acquaint yourself with travel insurance for terrorism. In fact, every other traveler, irrespective of which country he or she is traveling to must acquaint himself/herself with this particular coverage. Here are a few facts learning which...

IRDAI Increases Third-Party Insurance Premium Rates in 2016

IRDAI Increases Third-Party Insurance Premium Rates in 2016

A third-party insurance policy protects policyholders from liabilities that may arise in the event of an accident leading to the damage of a vehicle, injury, or even death. Usually, third-party motor insurance is a part of the main policy. Some insurers offer this as a standalone cover as well. In India, third-party insurance is an...


Truck Accidents: Leave it to the Legal Experts!

There is never an appropriate time for an accident to happen. In our fast-paced modern lives, it is easy to become overwhelmed when a truck accident occurs. Thankfully, there are law professionals that are trained to deal with these specific scenarios. Attorney John Farina is experienced in handling these situations and is here to help...


Finding Out All About Visitor Health Insurance Cover

Have you heard about visitors’ insurance? No, it’s not really an insurance cover which you buy for guests paying a visit to your home for a day or so! This amazing (to say the least!) insurance cover has been designed thoughtfully for a broader purpose. Let us explore. A visitor health insurance policy is purchased...


Do You Need Liability Insurance?

No one wants to get sued. Sadly, though, we live in a lawsuit-happy world, where people are eager to sue others for seemingly innocuous things. What happens if a guest is injured in your home or office by some freak accident? What if you are rear-ended while driving a rented car? Will you be at...


Will Zika Cripple Brazil’s Fiscal Growth?

According to the International Monetary Fund, Brazil’s economy took a hit by 3.8% in 2015, and thanks to the recent outbreak of the Zika virus (affecting more than 1.5 million people in the country so far), the country is in all likelihood to face another setback by shrinking further by 3.5%. How has Zika Affected...

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