There was a time when backpacking was a thing only Europeans (particularly Scandinavians) indulged in. Maybe some other countries like Australia and New Zealand had an active community of backpackers or frugal travelers but it certainly was not a widespread activity. However, for the past decade, the number of people traveling on their own is...
How to Prepare For a Last-Minute Vacation
Most people spend a good portion of the working year dreaming of a vacation. This is why when the opportunity arises you simply have to grab it. So, if you suddenly find yourself with a few free days at your disposal you have to promptly move into vacation planning mode. Of course, when you don’t...
Tricks to Choose the Best Travel Credit Card – Opportunities Galore
Credit cards are almost a ubiquitous part of modern-day society and people swipe them to pay for everything starting from groceries to cards to gum sticks! America is a country that loves to use credit cards and probably that is the reason behind all those ads and bonuses which you have to sign up with....
How to Select the Best Travel Insurance Policy For You
We expect everything to go our way while planning a trip to another country or city. However, chances are there that we might be caught up in the midst of unforeseen losses caused by theft, health hazards, or loss of baggage. All of us will need to determine the best travel insurance deal, but we...
Five Common Mistakes Regarding Travel & Entertainment Deductions
Expenses for entertaining and travel are one of the most common expenses that small and medium-sized businesses have to make. They are also one of the areas of expenses that cause the most confusion and seem to have the most unexpected complications for people when filling out their tax forms. That’s because of some common...