Sometimes when you’re swimming in debt, taking control of your circumstances once and for all seems like an unbearable burden. You have most likely considered a few different paths you could take to pay off your debt, but decision paralysis is a real thing, my friends. Just remember, you’re not alone. Credit card debt in...
Thinking About Debt Consolidation?
If you’ve been dealing with credit card debt or other unsecured forms of debt, and times have gotten tough, you may be considering debt consolidation. While this option is indeed a good fit for many, there is no such thing as a one size fits all debt solution. With that said, there are a few...
Easy Steps You Need to Take to Get Out Of Debt
If you are in debt then you will understand that the pressure you are under is enough to really make you dread even talking about money. Of course, if you have never been in debt before and this is your first time then there are a couple of things that you can do about this....
How to Alleviate Debt through Consolidation
The idea of owing money is a scary thought and can give people anxiety when thinking of all the money that needs to be paid out to different agencies. You may have student loans, a mortgage, and car repayments to consider in your monthly budget, making it hard to keep up with who you owe...
How To Escape The Debt Spiral
Most people endure harsh financial times at some point in their lives when there simply doesn’t seem to be enough money to go around. With luck, these circumstances will be survived through a period of belt-tightening. In other less fortunate cases, debt becomes a vicious circle, with more and more borrowing needed just to survive....
Why Debt Consolidation and Credit Counseling ARE For You
Usually, when you see something recommended on the internet, the place recommending the thing doesn’t push too hard. “Such and such MIGHT be for you,” the phrase always goes. But when it comes to debt consolidation and/or credit counseling, there really are no Ifs, Ands, or Buts about it. Learning about credit, while killing off...
Infographics: Tackling Debt Like a Pro
The average American household had over $15,300 in debt in 2015. Credit cards, which often carry high interest rates, accounted for about $5,747 of that debt. Considering that the average household earns about $54,500 per year, this is a sizable amount that can make it nearly impossible for people to free themselves from debt. The...
Best Ways to Achieve Credit Card Relief
For a household, it’s not good to share the credit card burden. Credit card debt can be repaid or lessened in several ways. A few methods will demand more effort and time than the common ones. In comparison, you may come across methods that don’t seem effective as repayment options; these methods tend to be...
Debt Consolidation: A Few Pros And Cons Explored
The decision to opt for student debt consolidation should be factored in on several crucial points. Financial experts often opine that it is better to steer clear of this method of debt management since (even with the smaller repayments) you end up paying much more than what you are paying on the several loans that...
Prioritizing Your Debts: It’s Why And How
The citizens of the United States of America are working really hard to fight their present debts. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the overall burden is plummeting with a debt reduction of around $100 billion in less than a year. This, without a doubt, is a positive sign. However, it should...
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