Wondering which credit card provides the best travel insurance? Before getting into credit cards with travel insurance, I want to briefly explain why you need travel insurance. Travel insurance is a must when traveling abroad. You don’t know when your flight will get canceled or postponed, and you don’t want to lose your hard-earned money...
Avoid These Costly Mistakes On Your Next Vacation
Vacation can be pretty pricey! In fact, they can sometimes seem inordinately expensive considering what you are getting and how long it takes to pay them off. However, they are an important part of taking care of ourselves and lowering our stress levels and should not be skipped. Instead, it best to be as frugal...
How to Select the Best Travel Insurance Policy For You
We expect everything to go our way while planning a trip to another country or city. However, chances are there that we might be caught up in the midst of unforeseen losses caused by theft, health hazards, or loss of baggage. All of us will need to determine the best travel insurance deal, but we...
What Should you Know About Travel Insurance for Terrorism?
Are you scheduled to visit a country that has recently experienced a terrorist attack? If yes, then you should acquaint yourself with travel insurance for terrorism. In fact, every other traveler, irrespective of which country he or she is traveling to must acquaint himself/herself with this particular coverage. Here are a few facts learning which...
Basics of Travel Insurance
Amongst a wide variety of complicated and confusing financial topics, you also have Travel insurance. This article will throw some light on how travel insurance works so that you consider a few things before being registered with an insurer. Once you’re aware of the travel insurance details, you’ll know how to keep yourself from issues...
Travel Insurance: Does it Cover a Stroke?
Bad travel stories are not always only about stolen cameras, shattered expectations, bad reception from locals or tedious flights. Things can get more serious. You might have one of your co-travelers (e.g. mother, father, friend or for that matter any family member) or you yourself falling prey to a serious illness. Imagine how painful it...
Why You Need Travel Insurance
Though travelling is usually an extremely positive and fulfilling experience, unfortunately, things can sometimes go wrong. For example, in Australia, the Department of Foreign Affairs deals with over 25,000 Australians facing difficulties each year – including over 1000 hospitalisations overseas. Not only can unforeseen medical emergencies arise, but there are also other things to consider:...
10 Reasons Insurance is Worth It
As much as we hate to, paying for insurance is one of the necessary evils in life. Yes, it means the insurance companies are filthy rich – especially those with superior legal teams who know every loophole in the book and therefore avoid payouts at all costs, but without them, many people would have no...
Four Things You Didn’t Know About Travel Insurance
As a traveler, you’re often faced with the option of purchasing travel insurance. Many of us pass it up, giving any number of excuses – it’s too expensive, it’s not relevant, it won’t be used since we aren’t missing this trip for anything. Yet, the truth is that many people pass up buying travel insurance...