A few key factors tend to influence your borrowing capacity under all circumstances. But there is actually a single important factor that helps in determining whether you can own a home or not. Gaining a fair idea of how much you can borrow is of great help when you’re considering multiple properties simultaneously. Once you...
Simple Ways To Build Up Your Credit
Bad credit can indeed be harmful to your finances. After all, if suppliers see on your record that you have bad credit, it’s unlikely you will be able to apply for loans. And it can harm your chances of getting a mortgage in the future. But there is also another credit that isn’t so good,...
Credit Scores: What Hurts Them?
Have you ever tried to get something on credit but got “declined” for it? If so, it probably meant that you had a low credit score. In a nutshell, credit scores are what companies use to decide whether someone has a low enough risk to offer finance. Scores get calculated on numerous factors, primarily a...
Track Your Credit Score Effortlessly So You Can Borrow Money!
Too many people are unaware of their own Credit Score and misunderstand fully why we have them. Your credit score can have both vast rewards and exponential pitfalls, which effect an adult in almost every aspect of their lives. Taking an interest in what your Credit Score looks like and what affects it, will make...
Managing Your Finances: Why Your Credit Rating Is So Important
In today’s digitized world, everything, including money, has been given the ability to be transported through electronic signals, going in and out of several computers, before finally landing, hopefully, in the right hands. In the last decade, the use of credit cards has been steadily on the rise. With people constantly now purchasing with credit...
Tips on Building Your Credit Rating in College
Whether you have just entered college or if you’re already enrolled and you’re seeking ways to secure your financial future, building your credit rating can help in many areas of life. When you’re in college, building your credit rating is possible regardless of your age with the proper support and the right opportunity. Before you...
Check Your Credit Rating – Poor Fico Credit Scores Cost
There have been good signs that the economy has bounced back but this should not keep you from protecting a good name and reputation within the community. The creditors these days are implementing more strict policies that more and more Americans Canadians are being disqualified from getting loans and financial credit. This may well be...