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Why You Need to Keep Using Your Credit Card After It’s Paid Off

Image via Pixa If you want to improve your credit score or get rid of credit card debt then you have probably learned the things you definitely shouldn’t pay for with a credit card, like mortgage payments, tuition, and really any sum longer than three digits. You have probably also learned that getting rid of...


Credit Card Debt – What Card Companies Don’t Want You to Know

Image source: pixabay Recent reports suggest that American consumers have recently hit a scary milestone. According to the Federal Reserve, Americans have the highest outstanding debt, mostly in the form of credit card debt than ever before. In June 2017, Americans owed $1.022 trillion in revolving debt and this figure even beats the record set...


Is Identity Theft Insurance a Scam?

People have become more and more aware of their personal data and information being breached and misused. Following these outrageous incidents about identity theft and bank accounts being stripped off that all of us hear from time to time, people have started to resort to any protection means available. It is all very common, and...


Online Credit Card Processing FAQ

What takes place during an ordinary Internet credit card transaction? Here is the common credit card processing FAQ: Internet credit card transactions will always take place in two major phases, a charge and a settlement. First Phase In the first phase, the charge is always made and money set for the transaction is usually set...


The Cost of a New Addition to the Family

Most people growing up dream of meeting their one true love, marrying, starting a family, and living happily ever after. For some, it happens and in later life, they can sit back and think about the wonderful life they have had together. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Well, it is important from the outset to stress...


Getting a Business Loan for Your Small Business

Small businesses have been badly affected by the recent recession and are now being slowly shut out of getting a bank loan. They have lost several customers due to this and have also reduced the sales of their products. They have also had to lay off some of their employees due to their lack of...


5 Financial Sins that Can Lead to a Bad Credit Rating

You might have heard of the phrase ‘credit rating’ before, but you might not know exactly what it means. A credit rating is basically an evaluation of how well placed you are to pay back your loans. This may be used in conjunction with an appraisal of your credit report, which is basically a list...

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