Most people have at least one credit card. Even if you’re not using the card, and you’re not interested in swapping the balance to another lender, it still might be worth canceling the card and switching to another one. With credit card fraud on the rise, it doesn’t make sense to have a really old...
Tag: credit card
Credit Card Debt Weighing You Down?
The world revolves around credit. More and more individuals are dependent on these plastic cards for their daily survival. The problem with this is that you lose financial accountability and sound judgment over a period of time. Without credit cards in the picture, your expenditures will always be limited to one thing – how much...
Four Naughty Credit Cards Spending Habits You Need To Fix
It is common knowledge that Santa Claus is making a list and checking it twice, that he’s gonna find out who’s naughty and nice. But that’s just for kids. Adults get into all sorts of mischief without the benefit of a jolly old elf to check in on them. Perhaps the biggest mischief adults get...
Priority Boarding Promises: They’re Not What You Think
Priority boarding on planes is becoming the new normal. Sometimes it seems as if you’re the only person who doesn’t have some sort of priority when you fly, and you’re stuck with no room for your bag when it’s your turn to get on. Many airlines don’t allow families with small children to board first...
How Your Credit Score Is Determined
Like income taxes and 401Ks, credit scores can be mysteriously difficult to understand. With the overwhelming majority of the population being affected by them, one would hope there would be a simple method for individuals and families to calculate their own scores. Of course, the same could be said for taxes and retirement plans, but...
Eliminating Credit Card Debt: How to Do It Smartly
While a good credit score and a strong financial history are what everybody, under the sun, loves to have, it is all the more important to put yourself in a solid financial position in a scenario of economic uncertainty. And one of the most effective ways to do that is to reduce your credit card debt...
Credit Card Fraud Insurance Debacle Adds to Bank’s PPI Woes
This infographic is originally published on Have I Got PPI UK, a CMC based in Manchester, UK. The United Kingdom’s banking industry is struggling to recover from the aftermath of the payment protection insurance scandal. This disaster has already cost the largest banks more than £10.5 billion over the past two years. The PPI crisis...
Credit Cards vs. Personal Loans: What is Right for You?
The decision for the best method of borrowing money when times are tough depends on a multitude of factors. For some people, getting emergency access to cash may be best done through a credit card, while for others; the best option would be to take out a personal loan. What constitutes the best criteria for...
Tips for Getting Your Finances in Order
It’s that time of year again. When we start analyzing our bank statements and credit card bills, as well as reviewing the fixed-rate savings, cash ISAs and personal pensions on the market. Once the festive season has been and gone, the financial season is well and truly upon us. Yes, the new financial year and...
Tips on Building Your Credit Rating in College
Whether you have just entered college or if you’re already enrolled and you’re seeking ways to secure your financial future, building your credit rating can help in many areas of life. When you’re in college, building your credit rating is possible regardless of your age with the proper support and the right opportunity. Before you...