Are you hopelessly in debt? Have you maxed out your credit cards and feel like you have nowhere to turn to? Is your net worth now in the negative? Don’t despair. There is a way to change your current situation. You can still turn things around and make it better. Let me reveal to you 4 steps on how to get out of debt – fast!
First, plug the hole. If there is a leak in your tub no matter how much water you put in, it can never be full unless you plug the leak. In the same way, to get out of debt find out why you are in debt in the first place. Track down your expenses and determine where the bulk of your money has been going. Has it been going on shopping sprees, eat-outs, or expensive vacations? Figure out where you are putting your money and take control.
Second, cut back. You are in debt because of one simple reason: you are spending more than you earn. No matter how much you earn your expenses will always be in proportion to your income. The solution to this is to live beneath your worth. Do not overspend. Cut back on unnecessary expenses. If you have been going to an expensive gym then opt to go jogging instead. If you have been eating out 3x a week then cut back to once a week. If you enjoy going to movies every weekend chose to watch streaming services at home. It is the little things that matter and these will make a big difference on your bottom line.
Third, cut down your credit cards. You do not need 3 or 4 credit cards. You only need one. So if you own 4 cards cut the other three in half and just leave one for emergency use. Credit cards are not evil. They are neutral. But in the hands of undisciplined people, they can be dangerous. If you are not careful they can be the cause of your financial downfall. One disadvantage of using a credit card is that it makes spending much easier. Why? Because you don’t see money disappear. It’s a lot harder to hand over a thousand bucks than your credit card. That is why it is much harder to control yourself when you go shopping with your card. To minimize temptation always buy in cash.
Fourth, save at least 10 % of your income. When it comes to money it doesn’t matter how much you earn. What matters is how much you keep. So every month put away at least 10% of your salary. Never touch it. The only time when you can touch that money is when you are going to invest it. This will allow your money to grow and will provide you with the knowledge that you will never run out of money.
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