Home Mortgage

Category: Mortgage


Moving to a New Apartment

Moving to a new apartment is always stressful. It’s best to just accept that the process is going to stress you out and do what you can to make the transition as smooth as possible. Here are some tips to help you with that: 1. Pare Down Even if you are moving to an apartment...


How Can I Improve My Mortgage Credit Report?

There’s a new buzzword around town. And that buzzword is “mortgage credit report.” And it’s definitely in your best interest to pay attention to this new buzzword. Because if you ever hope to buy a home it is vital to know how important these mortgage credit reports truly are. Mortgage credit reports explained So let’s...


How to Avoid Moving Back in With Your Parents

We’ve all been there. The awkward moment when your parents think they’re finally free of you and then you knock at their door with all your possessions.  It might be a life transition, perhaps you’re moving house or you’ve just finished university. But beware! You tell your parents, “It’ll only be for a week or...


Interest Only Mortgages Explained

Those who are disciplined may find that the traditional mortgage option can really benefit them. This sort of mortgage involves them paying the interest on the loan as well as a small amount of the principal. This is among the most common forms of loan and once the borrower manages the minimum payments for the...


Can You Manage a Mortgage on Pension?

When it comes to retirement planning one of the most common pieces of advice is to pay off your mortgage as quickly as possible. No mortgage = less financial stress. But what if you want to buy a new home after you retire? Will you be able to get a mortgage and will you be...


10 Tips for Buying an Investment Property

Property investment can be a really fun thing to do if you do it right. Try being resourceful, look for tips and tricks, look the facts up and make confident and educated decisions. Here are some of the best tips considering the acquirement of an investment property. Location This is always a huge deal. It’s...


Real Property Remains a Solid Investment

Investments in real property are generally considered solid options because they build equity over time. Land titles are tangible proof that the holder possesses something of value. However, property owners must acquire property at the right price to make sure that the investment pays off given time. Property Assessment Defines the Price When it comes...


Spend Money Once To Buy a House You Can Retire In

What if you could buy real estate one time and then live there the entire time your family is growing up and beyond? Wouldn’t this be easier than having to move several times, provided there are no external factors that motivate you to do so? So many times when older people start to experience health...

States To Get $25 Billion From Mortgage Lenders

States To Get $25 Billion From Mortgage Lenders

After it was discovered that many lenders may have engaged in deceptive or unethical acts in their mortgage lending and foreclosure practices, 49 states decided to sue. The result of those combined lawsuits is a $25 billion settlement. The lenders involved in the suit are Ally/GMAC, Bank of America, Citi, JPMorgan Chase, and Wells Fargo....

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