Home Mortgage

Category: Mortgage


Five Good Reasons To Use A Remortgage To Secure Unsecured Debt

Over the last few years, unsecured debt in the UK has risen significantly.  By February 2011, Credit Action reports that the total UK personal debt was £1,454 billion. Individuals currently owe more than the entire country produced during the whole of 2010. And, much of this borrowing is at high-interest rates.  Brits pay £182 million...


Using a Mortgage Calculator

If you are interested in getting on the property ladder or moving up, you will need to know how much you can borrow and if you can afford the monthly payments. A mortgage calculator is a vital tool that will give you a guide to what you can afford before choosing a specific product or...


2 Ways to Save Money on Your Mortgage

A cornerstone of the American dream is owning your own home. Once you’ve got a good-paying job and maybe started a family, owning a home is the next step you’ll take toward becoming an adult. However, mortgages are nasty things if you don’t tame them and keep them in check. In fact, if you’re not...


Mortgage Frauds: What to Watch Out For So You Don’t Get Scammed

If you are interested in a mortgage loan modification option then you should know about the fraudulent schemes aimed at homeowners. Law enforcement offices as well as many government agencies are currently advising homeowners not to pay any money in advance for promises of mortgage loan modification since none of the lawful mortgage lenders would...


Sell Your Home for Quick Cash and Rent it Back

What stopping you from selling your home for quick cash? Are you not comfortable with the idea of moving out of your home? Nobody wants to move out of their dream home! But think practically – if you are behind on your mortgage payments and your creditors are going to court, then you will lose...

mortgage payments

How to Lower Your Mortgage Payments

Mortgage loans are usually backed by real property. People take such loans for heavy investments such as home buying, businesses, property remodeling, and so on. People often get mortgage loans from banks and other financial institutions. There are only a handful of people who would go for their outright purchases or payments. Now that the...

Basic Homeowners Insurance – Get the Best Rate

Basic Homeowners Insurance – Get the Best Rate

A house is not only a property; it is an investment just like a home where you live with your family. Because of this, it will always be a good idea to protect it. There are a number of insurance companies in the market providing basic homeowners insurance and it is your responsibility to grab...


Save Money on your Mortgage in 2010

The temptation to race into the home buying process is stronger than ever this year. And why not? Mortgage and interest rates are at an all-time low and asking prices are somewhat cheaper. However, even with such perks in the real estate market, people could still make costly mistakes. “With great rates comes great responsibility.”...

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