Home 2017 June

Month: June 2017


How to Avoid Common Startup Payroll Mistakes

Embarking on the journey of running a startup is exciting, but it is also complicated — especially when it comes down to things like payroll and the related paperwork. Avoid the following payroll mistakes when you’re getting your startup off the ground. Incorrectly Classifying Employees You don’t have to worry about paying taxes or benefits...


How To Position Yourself Long In A Slowing Global Economy

Last year was great for rapid evolvement in online businesses and automation. Now more than ever, consumers are connected with their favorite brands with a new series of internet and social media trends forming. However, economists are now coming to a consensus that in 2017, the global economy will show signs of slowing down for...


Auto-Tuning Tips To Save You Megabucks At The Pumps

source If you spend a few hours every day in your car, it’s a depressing experience when it comes to buying – and consuming – gas. No matter how much you fork out, it’s never long until the tank is running low, and you are back at the pump station for a refill. There is...


When would you know it’s time to leave your financial planner?

Image via pixel Can you sense that your clients are thinking of leaving you? Will another age of muted returns lead even more clients of financial advisors to shift? As per a study done in 2016, more than 60% of high as well as ultra-high net worth respondents switched advisors throughout their lifetimes. The percentage...


How President Trump’s Tax Cuts Could Affect the Stock Market

The 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, famously said he would do “great things” during his first 100 days in office. A major fiscal policy announcement was therefore widely anticipated before the end of this critical initial period for the new administration. On Wednesday, April 26th, President Trump announced his plan for...


How to Have a Successful Accounting Business

Image As far as new business ideas go, an accountancy firm is a very attractive prospect. Firstly, financial help is something that people will always need, which provides a guaranteed audience. Secondly, even a small startup can potentially provide world-class service. Thirdly, and perhaps most tellingly, the financial rewards can be vast. The incentives for...


Overlooked ways of Paying for College

Image via pixabay Paying for college is indeed a daunting and intimidating task. In an ideal situation, it is a long-term process of building savings, using it, seeking institutional aid, free money, and if needed personal loans. But with such varied avenues for financing your college costs, it often becomes difficult to choose which option...


Does Being Ruthless Help You Financially?

This is a question that many people grapple with. How ruthless do you have to be to stay afloat financially and get on in life? Most people are not naturally ruthless, and they don’t always fight for their rights when they could or should. But does it really make a big difference or not? Read...

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