Home 2014

Year: 2014


Preparing a New Year Budget: Are you doing it Right?

Rolling out a new budget in the New Year might be in your scheme of things. However, only making a decision won’t really help. To make your budget work efficiently, you have to ensure that it (i.e. the budget planned by you) is realistic, practical, and attainable. Most importantly, make sure that your decision to...


5 Important Money Practices to Teach Your Children

For many of us, the concepts we learned about saving money are at best outdated. Investment isn’t even something the average person learns about or considers until they’re in university. Even then, it is looked at in terms of making money without any work, rather than as a vehicle to build wealth. That’s not to...


Five Crucial Elements You Must Assess In A Trading Software

Investing in stocks and other financial instruments is becoming much easier by the day thanks to the rapid growth in popularity of online trading. The shift to mobility and the growing number of trading platforms means that new traders can easily join the market within a few clicks of a button and begin trading quickly....


A Look at the Different Types of Settlement Options

Everybody loves to spend money. You cannot have an unlimited supply of green paper and if you need to pay someone a large amount of money, you would prefer to pay it bit by bit, instead of one go. This is where structured settlements come into the picture, helping you pay someone else’s personal injury...


Credit Card Debts: The Present Scenario in the US

Falling prey to unmanageable debts is not a rare occurrence in the US. At present, as per the latest reports, the credit card debt figures are all set to assume mammoth proportions by the end of this year. While many of us might just “claim” to be successful with our debts, the reality is quite...


Do you need a Car Accident Lawyer?

The surge in the number of lawsuits involving car accidents has been a direct result of the increase in the number of cars, in general. Most of these accidents are caused by unruliness, careless of drivers, or intoxication. The general callousness of drivers coupled with inappropriate traffic signals, badly designed roads, and defective vehicles has...


Taking on the World With Help From the US Commercial Service

If profits are dwindling month-on-month because you’re struggling to increase customer share then maybe it’s time to look to untapped overseas markets for salvation. According to the US government, less than one percent of America’s 30 million companies export – a percentage that is significantly lower than all other developed countries. So there’s plenty of...

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