If you are a self-employed tradesman your van will be an essential function for the smooth-running of your business. You will need your van to transport supplies to and from your jobs, especially if you have heavy goods such as tools, ladders and materials like wood. Here are a few ways to get the best from your van.
Keep Your Vehicle Running Smoothly
Make sure that you do weekly checks on the tyre pressure. Don’t overload your van too much, and be sure to check the tyre pressures according to the weight of your load as it could affect your steering.
Keep an eye on the oil because depleting levels can be detrimental to the engine. Always top up your washer fluid and check the windscreen wipers so you have optimum visibility.
Make sure your van is serviced regularly and ensure that your MOT and tax is always up to date. If you drive out of the local area and travel quite far to jobs then it is also wise to have breakdown cover. The last thing you want is to be caught off-guard and not be able to get to a job because your vehicle is stuck on the side of the road.
Make Your Van an Advert for Your Business
Your van is also an opportunity to advertise your company with your logo and contact details. A catchy van that is painted in a bright colour and displays your brand logo is an excellent way to attract attention and could increase your customer base.
It may sound like a small thing but it is also important to keep your van clean and tidy – what’s the point of having your logo on the side if it is smeared with mud and grime? This will show your customers that you are a professional company that cares about appearances.
Protect Your Van Inside and Outside
Having the right insurance is also essential because accidents can and do happen, especially if you are driving a considerable amount of mileage. If you a reliant on your van then you need to look after your interests, settling for the lowest band of insurance policy does not necessarily mean that it is cost-effective long-term. It is advisable to think about how much you could lose if your van was involved in an accident that wasn’t your fault. One Sure Insurance offers a range of deals that can include everything up to and including the contents of your van being covered too.
Keep Your Van Secure
There are many insurance claims related to theft as well as accidents, yet this is something that van owners can sometimes forget about. After a hard day’s work, you would be forgiven for leaving your van stocked up with your tools and other materials, the value of which can amount to a significant sum. Not everyone has garage space to keep their vehicle locked in at night, and those who have to park on the road are instantly more vulnerable to theft.
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