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How to go about saving more on holidays

The great economic downturn may have left a strong impact on your spending habits. Americans have again started buying holiday gifts in the last few years. However, the recent buying trends project their habit of setting a budget for the Holiday shopping season. Image via pixabay Tips for shopping during the festive season: Don’t Indulge...


Why You Should Put Your Money in a CD

Have you been searching for various ways that you could save your money and watch it grow? Then you have likely come across the option of getting a certificate of deposit, also known simply as a CD. But what are the perks of putting your money into a CD, and what are some of the...


A Crash Course on Black Friday Shopping

Regardless of whether you want to go out on Cyber Monday and Black Friday, it is wise enough to do some research work in your home. Since the onslaught of deals, discounts and sales are in full swing, you’ve got to be careful about snagging the best discounts on things. Are you planning to do...


A Few Tips to Save Money as a Single Parent

Majority of the single parents face the challenge of maintaining a budget and sticking by it. Cutting down your expenses can be a herculean task for anyone who is the sole bread-earner of a family but once you get to know about the several cost-curbing steps, you’ll be taken aback. What if you got a...


Is it possible for millennials to save money in 2017?

Being a millennial, you will always find yourself on the receiving end of financial advice which either seems over your head or something apparently impossible. The majority of the personal-finance articles don’t take into account the unique state the current generation is going through. Around a quarter of 18 to 34-year-olds have a bachelor’s degree...


Energy Saving Tips That Keep Money in Your Pocket

According to many experts, people in the United States are on unhealthy financial paths that will make it difficult for them to retire. In fact, less than a quarter of Americans have enough money saved to live without paychecks for six months. About 50 percent don’t even have savings large enough to support themselves through...


How to Save Money On Your Holidays

Now in the midst of the festive period, the majority of families are settling down for Christmas at home. In contrast, a growing number of families are looking to spend the festive period abroad, as they aim to capture some winter sun and enjoy a unique holiday experience. Interestingly, consumers also use the winter period...


4 Ways to Save Money by Reducing Heating and Cooling Costs

The cost of heating and cooling a home goes up every year. Follow these four strategies to make your home more efficient and lower your bills. Install a Programmable Thermostat According to the U.S. Department of Energy, turning your thermostat down by 10 degrees per day can lower your home’s heating and cooling bill by...

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