When managing your finances it is important to look at income and expenses alike. Often we are burdened by the enormity of our expenses and can become saddened when we watch the expenses grow while our income remains the same. Although increasing your income is easier said than done, it is possible. All you need...
Tag: money saving tips
Is the Low Cost of Fast Food Worth the Price?
The eternal debate over whether it’s cheaper to stay at home and prepare your own food versus going out to a restaurant does not appear to have lost any ground. In fact, the rise of online social networking usage among Americans has only managed to propagate the flames of discussion. Food and money are two...
Start Saving for College!
You cannot know what lies ahead. In ten years, you could have a thriving career in your intended field, you could be in a completely different discipline from the one in which you graduated, or you could find yourself unemployed for any number of reasons. If you are not careful, by the time it takes...
Six Ways to Save Money Each Workday
Have you ever taken the time to add up the regular purchases you make each workday? All those little items — your morning coffee, lunch from the caf or the trendy takeout around the corner, an afternoon trip to the nearest vending machine for a snack, a soda for your ride home add up fast....
4 Things Our Grannies Taught Us
For the forty-somethings out there, you’ll probably remember (especially if you live in the UK) quite a few things which your granny or granddad taught you which you don’t have the time or inclination to do nowadays. Stay with us while we have a stroll through some of these things and discuss if what Granny...
10 Easy Money Saving Tips on Groceries!
Times are tough and many of us are doing all we can to tighten our belts and keep a close eye on our budgets; everything from spending less on entertainment to not traveling very far due to fuel prices Another major expense is the cost of food You’ve probably heard all over the news that...
High Street Money Saving Tips
Unfortunately, we are in a global recession and many of us are still feeling the heat of this. Whilst the economic downturn rages on, you may be surprised to learn that there are many things you can do to actually save on your monthly expenses without having to sacrifice the things that you love and enjoy doing. For...