The decision to opt for student debt consolidation should be factored in on several crucial points. Financial experts often opine that it is better to steer clear of this method of debt management since (even with the smaller repayments) you end up paying much more than what you are paying on the several loans that...
Tag: debt consolidation
Prioritizing Your Debts: It’s Why And How
The citizens of the United States of America are working really hard to fight their present debts. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the overall burden is plummeting with a debt reduction of around $100 billion in less than a year. This, without a doubt, is a positive sign. However, it should...
Should You Opt For Debt Consolidation Services?
With the online world abuzz with praises (or merits) of debt consolidation services, it might as well be pretty easy to think that consolidating all your different loans under one umbrella loan remains your only answer to all your debt woes. But on deeper contemplation, it might as well be not that a “good idea”....
Why should you Borrow to get ahead when using Debt Leverage?
People borrow money for every reason. Whenever they need money, they look towards banks, friends, or financial institutions to help them. However, the reason for the loan is not always justified. People take loans for all sorts of crazy reasons – a party, an outing, and other unnecessary expenses. These reasons might be unjustified; however,...
What Is Debt Management?
If you are like 70% of all Britons, at some point in your life you will hear this term, debt management. You also may hear terms such as IVA, DMP, and bankruptcy. But what are debt management, debt management plans, and things such as IVA, DMP???? Jon at debt management company said that he has...
What Are the Differences Between Debt Consolidation Loans and Debt Management
A friend of mine had recently mentioned to me the confusion between what is a debt consolidation loan and what is debt management. This didn’t really surprise me as many consumers, borrowers, debtors, etc, can be confused by the various loan products and banking/financial terms used today. Basically, unless you are in the banking industry...
5 Top Tips To Stay Out Of Debt In 2021
Heading into 2021, millions of people will strive to keep their New Year’s resolutions. Many have set goals to lose weight, others to achieve a career goal, yet probably the most important resolution that we can make, is to get out of debt and stay there. In most cases, staying out of debt is simply...
Top 5 Ways To Consolidate Your Debts
In the current financial climate a huge number of us are lumbered with a range of debts that, quite frankly, we could do without. Whilst there is little that we can do about actually having to repay the debt, many of us can make debt repayment a little easier on ourselves by looking at consolidation...
Don’t Get Into Hot Water With Your Energy Bills
Our debt advisers here at Debt Advice Group get a really good feel for what’s going on in the debt world, simply because of the number of people in personal debt that they see each week, but even they were surprised by the findings of a Facebook poll by our sister company Moneyextra, which posed...
Debt Consolidation: Pros and Cons
Are you considering consolidating all your loans? For sure, you are intending to do so to effectively overcome your debt problems soon. However, as we all know, such loan products are not only full of advantages. Some disadvantages come with those. In the case of debt consolidation loans, you may be surprised at how there...
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