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5 Top Tips to Avoid a Tax Audit

5 Top Tips to Avoid a Tax Audit

We all know taxes are a necessary part of our lifestyles. We need schools, emergency services, and government. What we really don’t need as small and medium business owners is a comprehensive tax audit. Tax audits are a very lengthy and involved process, which usually calls for the services of a professional, so if there...

Bankruptcy IS an Option

Bankruptcy IS an Option

There was a time when we used to think of bankruptcy as the worst thing that could happen to us and as something that we should absolutely avoid at all costs. Of course, it’s not ideal to declare bankruptcy no, and it’s something that many of us would much rather not have to do –...

Dealing With Back Taxes

Dealing With Back Taxes

Taxes are an issue that almost everyone has to deal with at some point. If you cannot afford to pay your taxes and you let them become late, the Internal Revenue Service can take drastic measures to collect the money that you owe. If you find yourself in a situation where you owe back taxes,...

last minute taxing filing tips

Last-Minute Tax Preparation Tips

So you’ve waited until the last minute to file your taxes, eh? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone! The good news is that the IRS has pushed the filing date back to April 17th! The bad news is that tax preparers are busy and it may be difficult to get help promptly. Lucky for you, I’ve...

Getting Proper Advice On Going Bankrupt

Getting Proper Advice On Going Bankrupt

In our lives, we all have to make some big decisions. Things such as going to university or not, buying property, getting married, having children, etc, for many of us, are huge decisions to be made.  Accepting a job offer, moving/relocating to a new town or even country, again, big decisions to be made. And...

Five Tax Refund Tips You Won’t Want to Miss

Five Tax Refund Tips You Won’t Want to Miss

Depending on whether you are required to cough up some unexpected tax money or you are owed a refund, tax season can either seem like doomsday or like Christmas in April. Even though most people dread the filing process, it is more than worth it to discover that you have a sweet refund check headed...

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