Home 2012 April

Month: April 2012

Top 3 Personal Finance Apps

Top 3 Personal Finance Apps

One of the biggest issues facing America today is the economy. With jobs scarce and money tight, frugality and smart spending are some of the most important qualities that help get us through these tough economic times. Banks and financial institutions are under heavy scrutiny due to government bailouts and reckless spending. Some of the...

Frugal Under the Sun: Practical Family Summer Tips

Frugal Under the Sun: Practical Family Summer Tips

Summertime is often associated with family outings and outdoor fun. And it should be, as the weather is very inviting and the time spent with the family is always rewarding. But more often than not, summer activities may be costly as this is the peak time in the travel industry when resort and hotel fees...

Dealing With Back Taxes

Dealing With Back Taxes

Taxes are an issue that almost everyone has to deal with at some point. If you cannot afford to pay your taxes and you let them become late, the Internal Revenue Service can take drastic measures to collect the money that you owe. If you find yourself in a situation where you owe back taxes,...


5 Simple Tips to Save Money and Be Healthier

Everyone desires to be healthier and save money. These five simple steps will allow anyone to make some easy changes to their lifestyle and improve their health and their financial status. Quit Smoking: Smoking is a huge financial drain on any budget. The price of cigarettes continues to increase. The smoker with a one-pack-a-day habit...

Ideas For Good Investments

Ideas For Good Investments

Investing your money in the right place can be helpful to make your current cash flow through and make more money. Investing in the perfect way to grow your money and make cash out of what you currently have. Everybody can succeed in different ways, and you need to understand that investing in the right...

Finding an Online Coupon That Works!

Finding an Online Coupon That Works!

If you love saving money, then I’m sure you’ve been down this road before. Just picture it, you are at your favorite online merchant, shopping for a new piece of clothing for that hot spring wardrobe. You add a new blouse to your cart, and there it is, “enter your coupon code here”. You say...

Five Financial Mistakes to Avoid

Five Financial Mistakes to Avoid

Wise money management is a skill that many people struggle to acquire. The combination of poor budgeting and careless spending can lead to deep financial trouble down the road. Consider the following mistakes and work hard to avoid them. Their consequences could have lasting effects. Making minimum credit card payments. The average American household carries...

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