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Keep budgeting while you struggle through your student loan payments

Image source Over the past 2 decades, the annual cost of a college education is rising steadily and the level of student loan debt has accelerated to a jaw-dropping $1.35trillion in America, which is spread among 45 million people, as per recent statistics from the New York Federal Reserve. The study ranks student loans are...


Different Types of Student Loans Explained

Students seeking financial assistance to attend college have many options. Ideally, you have some money set aside and your parents are willing and able to help you pay for a college education, but if you still need money for tuition, books, and living expenses, there are a variety of loan options available to you. Here...


Options If Your Student Loan Arrives Late

Even though student fees have tripled in the last few years the number of people applying for university places hasn’t slowed down at the same rate. Rather than easing the pressure on the student financial services some of the problems it faced in the past are continuing. Every year there are always several students who...


How to Keep a Check on Your Credit Card Debt

Carrying a debt forward is a natural habit for most of us. A debt might appear in various forms like home equity credit, mortgage, and student loan. It isn’t bad to carry your debt forward and at times it becomes necessary. At the same time, you must keep your debt under control; if you can’t,...

Tips for Student Loan Applications

Tips for Student Loan Applications

When you are applying for student loans, it is important to learn more about interest rates and find student loan information on your own. The only way that some students can attend college is by taking out the loans that they need to finance an education. College loans provide students with the tremendous ability to be able...

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