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Teaching Your Kids Financial Literacy

Teaching Your Kids Financial Literacy

Even though money is such a huge part of the adult world, it’s often up to parents to teach kids what (little) they know about money, how it works, and how to make it. But don’t panic! Giving your kid a solid grounding of financial knowledge and igniting that entrepreneurial spark isn’t actually that difficult;...

Developing Good Money Habits

Developing Good Money Habits

In the face of some of our country’s toughest economic times, we are forced to get back to the basics of imagination and creativity. Here are a few tips to getting your personal finances under control, while establishing habits to save money and create savings for your future. Put Your Household on a Budget First,...

8 Ridiculous Ways People Try to Save Money

8 Ridiculous Ways People Try to Save Money

There’s no shame—in fact, many would say it’s financially wise—to live an inexpensive lifestyle. Clipping coupons, buying items on sale, cooking food at home, bringing the leftovers to eat for lunch at work the next day, and shopping at secondhand stores are all simple and unobtrusive ways to save a lot of money in the...


Using Your Savings

I’ve recently read loads of personal finance stories that deal with how to save money, but I haven’t seen many that state what you can actually do when you’ve reached your savings goal. Everyone’s savings goals are different, some people save for a particular product that they like the look of, whereas others save for...


The Importance of Savings

Putting some money aside for savings is a really important and smart idea. It’s so easy to get caught up in our everyday lives. We need to do everything we can to keep on top of our regular finances, such as a checking account and paying bills, but we all know in the back of...


Steps to help you make, and keep a budget

Budgeting isn’t fun, and the very idea of it has discouraged most of us from even trying. However, having and following a budget is essential for our future, and easy when you know how to do it. Savings offer both instant and long-term rewards. Whether you already have a budget that isn’t working out for...


Consolidating Your Credit Debts to Save Money

Consolidating your credit card debt is one of the best moves you can make to save money.  This is a crucial step in improving your credit score for the future and ensuring you have enough money each month.  With the numerous advantages for all cardholders who take advantage of credit card debt consolidation, it’s a...

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