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Effective Investors Understand Their Personal Style of Investing

Effective Investors Understand Their Personal Style of Investing

“Be true to thy self” is a phrase often heard in almost all aspects of life, and the application of this age-old wisdom is even appropriate in the field of investing.  Investing in any of our various markets requires discipline, knowledge, and experience, but the one key area that many investors unwittingly ignore is that...


To Budget or Not to Budget that is the Question

We’ve all been enticed by that “awesome new what-cha-ma-call-it” before. So what is it that gets us to pull out our wallets and hand over our hard-earned money instead of putting it away into savings? A lot of it has to do with the emotional appeal of whatever it is we’re considering purchasing. In the...


How has the budget affected you?

The Government insists that their recent budget announcements are not about raising tax but are about reforming the economy in order to enable future growth. The impact of the budget, however, will be felt by individual UK households with some gaining and some losing, and with a number of fundamental reforms set to take place,...

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