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Family Money Woes Of The 21st Century

Pixabay You would have thought that now we are well and truly in the 21st Century, life would be a whole lot easier, right? After all, there have been so many tech advances that make our lives easier and bring us closer to each other, most everyday problems are now not as big as what...


Save Your Money on Car Repairs

The majority of us drive our vehicles daily and use our cars to drive from home to work and back home again. But something we often don’t take into account is the maintenance of our vehicles. As long as we can start the car and it has fuel, we think that it’s running fine. Only...


How President Trump’s Tax Cuts Could Affect the Stock Market

The 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, famously said he would do “great things” during his first 100 days in office. A major fiscal policy announcement was therefore widely anticipated before the end of this critical initial period for the new administration. On Wednesday, April 26th, President Trump announced his plan for...


Starting Adult Life: Saving Dough When You’re Broke

Perhaps you’re a student living far away from home for the first time in your life or you’ve recently graduated and you’re about to enter the “real world” in a brand new career. Either way, independence can often feel like a double-edged sword. There’s no denying that it’s freeing to be in control of your...


How Youthful Spending Affects Later Savings

When we’re younger, it feels like we can put off saving for later. We have all of the time in the world to make up for any youthful financial mistakes we might make in our late teens and even mid-late twenties. It’s easy to fall into the trap of feeling financially invincible. This is why...

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