Home 2015

Year: 2015


See, I told You Bitcoin Was Volatile

Over the past year, I’ve written extensively about Bitcoin, essentially saying that I didn’t believe it was a safe investment at all. Most recently, it seemed that some people were becoming more comfortable with Bitcoin. A Canadian entity agreed to pay some of their workers with BitcoinOverstock.com allows it as a currency. Some states in...


SIPPs Made Simple

Many people lack a complete understanding of what SIPPs actually are. This is a real shame, as they can be of great benefit to those who choose to invest in them. SIPP stands for Self-Invested Personal Pension. This is, quite simply, a pension scheme that hands you control over how your retirement savings are invested....


How Cloud Computing Can Help Your Business

Cloud computing is becoming ever prevalent in the business world these days, and with good reason. So you’ve probably already heard of it, and probably already know what it is. You may even be using it without realizing it in your personal life, such as on your smartphone. But you may not know how you...


Evaluate before investing – Investment Outlook 2015

Modern investors prefer to invest globally, especially in the emerging economic potboilers of Asia. One of the crucial steps to take before investing globally is to study the value of the attractiveness of the foreign stock market. As the P/E ratios change every day, the specifications of single stocks can be misleading at times. GDP...


Understanding Algorithmic Trading Strategies

Algorithmic trading, like that offered by FxPro, is where specially programmed computers are used to place trades. These take place at a speed and frequency that would be impossible for a human trader to replicate. The method has many benefits for serious traders: It ensures that trades are executed at the best possible price Executes...

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