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Year: 2010


Should I Trust My Lawyer’s Advice on a Bankruptcy Counseling Firm?

Bankruptcy Counseling vs. Debtor Education When a person files for bankruptcy under the bankruptcy code, he/she is required to participate in a pre-bankruptcy counseling course called credit counseling. After a bankruptcy has been filed, the person must then go through a course called debtor education to prove to the bankruptcy court that he/she is committed...


Sell Your Home for Quick Cash and Rent it Back

What stopping you from selling your home for quick cash? Are you not comfortable with the idea of moving out of your home? Nobody wants to move out of their dream home! But think practically – if you are behind on your mortgage payments and your creditors are going to court, then you will lose...


Mental Hack to Avoid Critical Bias

There is one bias to which we are exposed time and again. One trick which is played on us over and over. At its simplest, we can spot it easily but unfortunately, there are many occasions when it sneaks in under your guard and you have to be ready to recognize it for what it...


Escaping the Bad Credit Loan Jungle

The “Bad Credit” Loan Blues … Is this your song? Frequent calls from bill collectors Cash advances from one credit card to pay off another Not making your loan payments on time or missing them Paying just the interest or less than agreed upon Continually falling behind on monthly bills Inventing new excuses of why...


Loss Assessors – Helping You Make The Most of A Disaster

Every business owner dreads a major catastrophe at their work premises – and no matter if you are a large company or a one-man band, the effects can be absolutely devastating. A disaster like a fire or a flood can destroy the premises and stock leaving you with nothing to trade and nowhere to do it....


Why Buying a New Build House Will Save You Money

When you are looking at new homes, a lot of decisions need to be made. Maybe you are expanding your family and need a home that fits your needs, or perhaps you are getting to an age where a simpler home is what you desire. Regardless of the reason, choosing a new home is a...

secured personal loans

Important Things to Know When Getting a Secured Loan

Secured loans are typically used for larger amounts over longer periods of repayment. The reason this is done is that they are costly and time-consuming to set up. Since arranging the searches and registering the property interest (the usual security is taken for a secured loan) takes weeks to complete. So immediately, one drawback can...

Hondas Continue to Lead in Reliability

Hondas Continue to Lead in Reliability

When you buy a new car, you have to take a lot of different things into consideration. You have to look at the price, mileage, resale value, etc. One of the most important factors to consider though is reliability. To many consumers, reliability is second only to price, and sometimes it’s even more important than...


The Endowment Effect-A Really Difficult Challenge

Biases distort our view of the world and lead us to make wrong investment decisions. When written down simply, we can laugh at the simplicity and boast that we would never be taken in. However, it will happen to you time and again. Let me illustrate with two stories, one personal and one involving one...

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