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Top 5 Apps to Teach Your Children the Value of Money

Today’s children have a different understanding of money than the previous generations just because of their overexposure to technology. It has some disadvantages though it has so many advantages. So why don’t you make use of those advantages? By using technology you can let your children know the importance of money, ins and outs of...


Holiday Shopping Apps Everyone Needs

The holiday season has arrived and it’s a festive time of year filled with family, friends, food, and holiday shopping. In this advanced technological day and age, mobile phone apps have become one of the easiest ways to shop savvy during the holiday season. From budget tracking apps to comparison shopping apps, your phone is...


5 Things To Do Today If You’re Drowning In Debt

It wasn’t so long ago that I was living paycheck to paycheck. In fact, worse, with my income I was struggling to just keep up with my minimum debt repayments each month. The slightest issue could (and sometimes did) derail the whole carefully managed situation. Now, though, things are much different. I’m virtually debt-free and...


Three Ways To Save Money At Home

Buffalo may not have been hit as hard by the economic downswing as some other cities but many of us are still lighter in the wallet than we would prefer. It seems that almost nobody has been able to entirely escape at least some of the economic sting. Besides, regardless of our current economic situation,...


5 Coupon Hacks To Save Money

Who doesn’t love a deal? You don’t need to be a die-hard coupon maniac to enjoy the thrill of BOGO (buy one get one). You don’t need to spend hours pouring over multiple copies of the Sunday paper to get a little rush as your total is reduced at checkout, either. Saving money just takes...


Student Advice – Budgeting & Money Saving

The first few days at college or university are pretty exciting, you get registered, find your home for the next year, bid your parents farewell and you are finally on your own and ready to start a big adventure. For most students though, this will be the first time they have lived on their own...


5 Financial Expenses To Get Rid Of Today

It is difficult for everyday people to stick to a strict budget with rising and inconsistent interest rates, increase in consumer product prices, and many general temptations available in the market. These fluctuations encourage people to take out excess loans and increase credit card limits to simply be able to live comfortably in society. There...


How to Holiday on a Budget

With economic uncertainty still affecting most businesses and families, we are all having to still cut corners in our monthly budgets and bring down our outgoings throughout the year. More and more of us are being asked to take a salary reduction and worse still, people are being laid off from their jobs. Simultaneously people...

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