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Why You Should Know These Basics Before Trading In Stocks

Why You Should Know These Basics Before Trading In Stocks

Are you interested in trading stocks? If so this is the article written just for you. Many people have decided to trade in stocks, as it is a fun way to produce massive profits without a lot of effort or time involved with the process. However, it is only those who are knowledgeable in stocks...


8 Millionaires That Made Their Money In The Stock Market

We all love the story of the dirt-poor person overcoming past adversity and rising to make the big bucks, triumphing over society and all its ills. While today’s millionaires and billionaires do not all share such a romantic background, many have preserved and worked hard to get to where they are today. So whether you’re...


Understanding Fundamental Analysis

When it comes to trading, whether you are dealing in options or forex trading, you will have two different options in terms of analysis. These options are technical analysis or fundamental analysis. Many traders have experienced success using either (or both) of these options; however, some experts believe that one is better than the other...


Why Forex has Become Popular in the Recent Times

Investment is a popular means of income supplementation, and the most popular of its forms today is the Forex trade or the currency market. As implicit in the name, the currency market deals with the exchange of currencies hence the name Forex (foreign exchange). The Forex market witnesses massive worldwide participation regularly and registers a...


The Risks of Forex Trading

Every investment has an upside and a downside. While it’s natural to focus on the good aspects of an opportunity, prudent investors always factor in the other side of the coin, as it were. A forex or fx trade responds to market forces, and the reality is that no one can predict where the market...


Things You Should Know About Forex Trading

Both veteran and novice traders of the stock market find that trading in foreign currency exchange, commonly referred to as Forex, is really attractive. The basic difference between the stock market and the Forex market is that one can trade in the latter market at any time of the day as it remains open 24×7....


World Map of Trading

This is an infographic to describe world forex trading activity. It shows the top 15 traded currency pairs, volumes, and buy and sell percentage rates. This is designed to aid new traders in getting a general overview of the forex market, which should allow them to make better use of their trading platform and maximize...


What are the Best Electronic Trading Platforms?

In today’s hectic financial climate, investors from all different markets are looking at the best electronic trading platforms out there to gain a competitive advantage. Electronic trading platforms are computer systems that allow traders to digitally perform trades without the need for human intervention in the process. Each brokerage offers its own trading platform, and...

Top 5 Movies About Wall Street

Top 5 Movies About Wall Street

With the Occupy movement coming to the fore last year, Wall Street features prominently as a hot topic for current filmmakers. The latest slate of movies to come out tend to focus on the recent financial collapse of 2008, but with a setting so ripe for dramatic storytelling, Hollywood has explored the inner workings of...

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