There’s no doubt that the world of trading has turned on its head in recent years. Once upon a time, this was something that was only open to a small group of people – usually working in the city. Now, it’s something that has opened up to the entire world. Those operating in the big...
Tag: trading
Do You Have What It Takes To Be An Algorithmic Trader?
On the surface, algorithmic trading seems like the very definition of passive income. Imagine it. Entrusting your portfolio to a bespoke piece of software designed to buy and sell stocks based on algorithms that are designed to facilitate growth. It must be like having a tiny robot stockbroker in your pocket who never gets tired,...
Want To Start Trading Full-Time? Read This First!
Going full-time with your personal trading operation obviously has its attractions. Aside from the perks of being able to work in your dressing gown with your favorite mug on your desk, full-time trading offers the possibility to make massive quantities of money with very little effort! If you’ve been trading on the side for some...
What Makes FOREX Trading So Popular?
What Makes FOREX Trading So Popular? If you are not investing in the FOREX market yet, you’d better get started– there are countless moneymaking opportunities every day with FOREX, the largest and most liquid market in the world. Today, around 5 trillion American dollars are traded every day on the FOREX exchange. There are numerous...
TFS Closed-End Fund Strategy
The strategy seeks to create portfolios of Closed-End Funds (CEF’s) which provide a high level of current income with the potential for capital appreciation. The strategy will invest in CEF’s which are trading at significant discounts to Net Asset Value (NAV) and provide high levels of current income. These portfolios will primarily invest in the...
A History of Currency and Its Trade
Trade has always been part of civilized societies. At first, people used bartering to get what they wanted. It was a very simple system: goods were traded for other goods or services. However, this system showed its limits when civilizations became sedentary. Villages changed into towns and exchanges were more and more common and complex....
Forex: How to Refine Your Trading Strategy
For the inexperienced trader, forex is a good way to lose money. To be successful in the foreign markets takes a great deal of skill, many hours spent researching and learning about the field, and a well-honed and cleverly executed trading strategy. It is, ultimately, a tactical game, and if you want to come out...
Three Top Tips for Forex Traders
For all of the risk and uncertainty attached to trading forex, it is a science. Some formulas and rules and methodologies can help you to understand it and, perhaps more importantly, increase your chances of getting the desired result. Here are three of the most important to get you started… 1: Choose a Trading Style...
How to Invest With Less Stress
When it comes to managing investments, retail investors have more options at their fingertips than ever witnessed in human history. The internet has increased accessibility while decreasing the barriers to participation that once existed. For instance, trading in foreign exchange used to be exclusively the tool of multi-national corporations, banks, and financial firms. With the...
Get Complete Information On Day Trading
Sellers and buyers participating in day trading are known as day traders. In normal practice, traders close the trading positions by end of the same trading day. In case the trading depends entirely on the strategy for a specific day. You will find traders who actually focus on short-term trading. They will finish their trades...