When making ends meet starts to become a struggle there are a large number of different things you can do to help boost your finances. For most this will mean changing bill and service providers, writing out a fresh budget, or getting a loan of some sort – but there are other more subtle means...
Tag: tips
Buy Frozen Food in March & Other Seasons
Seasonal shopping is just plain smart. If you can’t afford “it” this season, save for the next season. Of course, necessities usually are right now issues and buying an air conditioning/heating system or plumbing replacements rarely hit at a good time. Let’s take a look at some of the hints offered by the experts, even...
Five Things to Do with Your Tax Refund – Other than Spend It
What are you going to do with your tax refund this year? If your immediate answer was “spend it,” you might want to think again. According to the IRS, the average tax refund in 2012 is $2,899. That’s certainly a significant amount of money that could buy you a lot of fun, nice things. But...
Tips On Your Household Finance
Like most large companies, a house is run like a business and so should be dealt with similarly. The way people deal with their personal finances can often be lackluster, though keeping track of it is of optimum importance. Unlike many businesses, which can account for their spending down to nearly the last penny, many...
Money Management Tips
Saving money nowadays seems almost impossible. Not only have gas prices and home expenses risen over the past 6 months but jobs have become harder and harder to find. To save money in this type of economy, parents need to start teaching their children money management tips from a small age. Below are a few...
How to Save Money During Tax Season
After the excitement and good cheer of the holidays are over, people find themselves facing another busy season – the dreaded tax season. Generally, by the end of January or the first of February, you will have received your W9s, 1099s, and other income documents from your employer(s). Although your employers are in charge of...
Simple and Effective Ways To Save
With the current economic situation, many of us are looking for simple ways to save money. I’ve read hundreds of articles about money-saving tips, but in my experience, it’s normally the simple tips that are the most effective. It’s important that when we save money, we make our savings work for us. We all know...
Save Money and Time: Why Being Single Isn’t So Bad for Your Checkbook
While I just recently graduated college, most of my friends are already married or in the process of engagement. One particularly impatient friend even has a baby on the way. Being the selfish single lady that I am, I’ve noticed that their exclusive partnerships are causing problems for me. Most annoyingly, I’m struggling to find...