In a climate of volatile stock markets and low rates of return offered on many savings and investment options, investing in property through a buy-to-let mortgage arrangement may look like an enticing prospect to the investor. For those able to raise a large enough deposit, a buy-to-let property can have the potential to generate a...
Tag: mortgage
5 Things to Consider When Buying Your First Home
Buying your first house is a step that many of us look forward to for years. That moment when you have the keys in your hand to your own home is considered one of the best moments in life. It’s important however that when you are looking for your dream home, and when you’ve found...
Why Didn’t You Get That Home Loan?
Rejection is rarely welcome, especially when credit applications are involved. During the past few years, numerous applicants have been declined credit for secured loans and mortgages. The question many people are asking is why. Provided below is a summary of some of the reasons why applicants are being refused credit for loans and mortgages. People...
How the Economy Has Affected Mortgage Rates
During the past few years, we’ve seen the housing market take a plunge downward as lower mortgage rates have remained in place, while the economy has desperately tried to recover. Recently there has been a slight increase in the mortgage rates and buyers are wondering if the rates will continue to increase. One of the...
Five Good Reasons To Use A Remortgage To Secure Unsecured Debt
Over the last few years, unsecured debt in the UK has risen significantly. By February 2011, Credit Action reports that the total UK personal debt was £1,454 billion. Individuals currently owe more than the entire country produced during the whole of 2010. And, much of this borrowing is at high-interest rates. Brits pay £182 million...
Some Fees Are Worth Paying For The Best Remortgage Deal – But Only At The Right Moment
One of the main reasons why homeowners look to remortgage is to save money. Whilst there are other reasons to consider a remortgage – to benefit from a fixed rate or to borrow additional funds – saving money is the principal aim of most. So, finding a ‘fees-free’ remortgage deal might sound like the obvious...
Using a Mortgage Calculator
If you are interested in getting on the property ladder or moving up, you will need to know how much you can borrow and if you can afford the monthly payments. A mortgage calculator is a vital tool that will give you a guide to what you can afford before choosing a specific product or...
2 Ways to Save Money on Your Mortgage
A cornerstone of the American dream is owning your own home. Once you’ve got a good-paying job and maybe started a family, owning a home is the next step you’ll take toward becoming an adult. However, mortgages are nasty things if you don’t tame them and keep them in check. In fact, if you’re not...
Mortgage Frauds: What to Watch Out For So You Don’t Get Scammed
If you are interested in a mortgage loan modification option then you should know about the fraudulent schemes aimed at homeowners. Law enforcement offices as well as many government agencies are currently advising homeowners not to pay any money in advance for promises of mortgage loan modification since none of the lawful mortgage lenders would...