We’re always looking for ways to bring in more cash. Whether you need to pay off a few more bills or to increase your retirement fund, the more money you can bring in, typically the better off you will be. Besides your monthly income, do you have other ways you bring in cash? Many individuals,...
Tag: money
How to Become Filthy Rich
Saving money is about a number of things other than just negotiating at the top of your voice. While you may not be someone who belongs to the category “filthy rich”, your attitude towards money could well be your key to getting there. Personal finance has a lot to do with your personality and money...
Retirement Moves You Should Start Taking During Your 20s and 30s
Image source: pixabay Though you might be decades away from quitting your job forever, taking the proper start is everything when it comes to planning your retirement. During each stage of your journey towards retirement, you need to be aware of the crucial money moves to make, your target savings goals, and the ideal way in...
Wise Money Moves that you Should Make by the Time you’re 50
Image: https://pixabay.com/en/design-son-older-woman-mother-3062508/ Are you someone who has always been delaying your money matters? If yes, now is the right time to take control of your personal finances. With the upcoming New Year, it is important to be careful with your finances so that you don’t spend another year drowning in debt and in getting harassing calls...
Finding Ways To Make Money Online
Over the last decade or so, there have been some big changes coming about in the ways that people do their jobs. Nowadays, instead of your employer having the final say in all matters, you’re given the chance to speak out for yourself, and most people are much more interested in their own ambitions. Of...
Don’t shop till you drop this Christmas – Spend the 2017 festive season on a budget
How does your bank balance look at present when you’re all set to run up for Christmas? After years of trouble with holiday debt, there seems to be too much panic about Christmas as the majority are worried about how they could avoid racking up debt due to overspending. Everyone is worried about whether or...
Too Much Month At The End of Your Money? Smart Ways To Boost Your Income
Given a choice, most of us would prefer to have a little extra money in our lives. When things aren’t so tight, life is definitely easier, and having some spare cash to treat ourselves to the things we like can make the hard work we put in during the week all feel worth it. If...
The 8 Spending Errors You Should Avoid At All Costs
Managing money is never easy. There are a wealth (pun intended) of considerations to consider when it comes to deciding where to invest, how to save, and how to budget. If only there were a guide written that expressly and adaptively considered your finances, took account of your spending temptations and drew up some form...
What Can Rich People Teach Us About Managing Money?
It’s no secret that a lot of us are jealous of rich people. We’d kill to have their bank balances, and we find it unfair when others have a lot of money purely because we want it too! But, you shouldn’t be jealous because a lot of rich people got rich because they knew how...
How To Use, Not Lose Money
Financial freedom is both a blessing and a curse. Whilst it’s great to be in control of your own life and the things you can buy, we’ve all found ourselves a little too complacent with our finances at some point in our lives and perhaps gone on a spending splurge or simply forgotten to keep...