Debt is an incredibly tricky subject. It can improve lives, and it can also make people miserable. ‘Good debt’ is a result of borrowing money which results in you earning back more in the long run. Whether it’s to buy a property (which will generally gain in value year on year), education to get a...
Tag: debt management
Debt Consolidation: A Few Pros And Cons Explored
The decision to opt for student debt consolidation should be factored in on several crucial points. Financial experts often opine that it is better to steer clear of this method of debt management since (even with the smaller repayments) you end up paying much more than what you are paying on the several loans that...
Raise Your Credit Score Fast -Add 100 Points By 18 Months!
Today let’s focus on the best ways to increase your credit score. Without wasting time, let’s jump right into it. 1. Improve the “Utilization Rate” on your Credit Cards and Unsecured Loans. Then continue to use your credit cards, pay them off in full each month and consistently increase your credit limits. Your credit score will...
5 Things To Do Today If You’re Drowning In Debt
It wasn’t so long ago that I was living paycheck to paycheck. In fact, worse, with my income I was struggling to just keep up with my minimum debt repayments each month. The slightest issue could (and sometimes did) derail the whole carefully managed situation. Now, though, things are much different. I’m virtually debt-free and...
Tired Of Breaking Resolutions? Make Long Terms Plans For The New Year
As soon as the 1st of January strikes, we all make plans to give up on the junk food we love and kick start our exercise plans. Unfortunately, most of us fail with our resolutions nearly as quickly as we started as they are usually short-term fixes. If you want to make changes that you...
How to Fix Your Life When You’ve Spent Wayyyyy Too Much.
Did you spend too much money this year? You can turn to debt consolidation solutions to manage your credit card bills. However, this becomes a thorny issue if you have a bad credit rating due to late or non-payment of debts. If you find yourself in just such a predicament, you should let out a...
6 Ways to Relieve the Perceived Hopelessness of Insurmountable Debt
Do you feel as though you are drowning in debt, that you will never see the life preserver out there, let alone be able to reach it? If so, you are not alone. Not even close, actually. The world has seen a very different financial climate in recent years. Even the strongest economic areas have...
What is the Future of my Debts if my IVA Fails?
If I may ask you, what is an IVA? The best answer for it would be, an IVA or individual voluntary arrangement is extensively used for resolving personal debt problems. It is a repayment plan (fixed term) that is designed especially to help someone who is facing a crucial debt problem. This repayment plan gives...
What Is Debt Management?
If you are like 70% of all Britons, at some point in your life you will hear this term, debt management. You also may hear terms such as IVA, DMP, and bankruptcy. But what are debt management, debt management plans, and things such as IVA, DMP???? Jon at debt management company said that he has...
What Are the Differences Between Debt Consolidation Loans and Debt Management
A friend of mine had recently mentioned to me the confusion between what is a debt consolidation loan and what is debt management. This didn’t really surprise me as many consumers, borrowers, debtors, etc, can be confused by the various loan products and banking/financial terms used today. Basically, unless you are in the banking industry...