The “stock” advice for the upcoming holidays is not to overspend. Everyone knows that. You know that. The financial experts know that. And people who overspend know that as well. Now, the question is- with item prices skyrocketing every day how do you ensure that you’re not blowing your budget on the smallest of items?...
Tag: credit cards
The Fastest Places to Get Loans
Sometimes you need money fast. Unfortunately, the bank is not a place to get a loan. They require long credit checks and an application process with so many boxes it can make your head spin. You need an alternative to meet your urgent monetary needs. There are places where you can get quick loans, however....
How to Keep a Check on Your Credit Card Debt
Carrying a debt forward is a natural habit for most of us. A debt might appear in various forms like home equity credit, mortgage, and student loan. It isn’t bad to carry your debt forward and at times it becomes necessary. At the same time, you must keep your debt under control; if you can’t,...
Steps to Improve Your Credit Rating in the Long Run
Responsible borrowing needs to be proven to your lender if you’ve accumulated debts. Your credit score is likely to be improved with time. Follow a few simple steps to improve your credit score – Make timely payments Your accounts need to be paid off as early as you can. Making timely payments is important. It...
Why PIN is Coming to Credit
To a resident of Canada, the United Kingdom, or Hong Kong, the chip-and-pin system is far from revolutionary. If you live in the United States, however, you still utilize signatures and a magnetized strip on your credit cards. Because of this, the U.S. has fallen significantly behind in the pursuit of more secure and encrypted...
How To Save More Money And Boost Your Finances
The year is 2014 and the financial climate of the world is only getting worse. More and more jobs are being cut and employers paying less and wanting more time and work from employees. The cost of living seems to be soaring and with a paycheck that doesn’t increase, many people wonder, how can they...
What to Do If You Have Credit Issues?
Credit issues can impact just about every aspect of your life. Why? If you do not have a good credit score, it is harder to qualify for mortgage loans, auto loans, and other types of financing. In addition, a bad credit score can result in higher insurance premiums, and you may not be able to...
Should You Cancel Old Credit Cards Or Reapply For New Ones?
Most people have at least one credit card. Even if you’re not using the card, and you’re not interested in swapping the balance to another lender, it still might be worth canceling the card and switching to another one. With credit card fraud on the rise, it doesn’t make sense to have a really old...
Credit Card Debt Weighing You Down?
The world revolves around credit. More and more individuals are dependent on these plastic cards for their daily survival. The problem with this is that you lose financial accountability and sound judgment over a period of time. Without credit cards in the picture, your expenditures will always be limited to one thing – how much...
Four Naughty Credit Cards Spending Habits You Need To Fix
It is common knowledge that Santa Claus is making a list and checking it twice, that he’s gonna find out who’s naughty and nice. But that’s just for kids. Adults get into all sorts of mischief without the benefit of a jolly old elf to check in on them. Perhaps the biggest mischief adults get...