When it comes to personal finance, you can find few themes as polarizing as budgeting. Many people swear by the exercise of maintaining a budget on a monthly basis, while others virtually convulse at the reference to the word. With innumerable opinions as well as budgeting myths floating around, it’s no surprise that folks so...
Tag: budget
Avoid burning a hole in your wallet – Tricks to reign in your expenses
The fact is that the more we stress over money, the more stressful it gets. But taking control of saving and spending can help you alleviate some of your worries. Whether you wish to be a millionaire or you just wish to stop spending your paycheck before you receive it, there are always some interesting...
Kick Your Bad Spending Habits and Stop Using Plastics – Tips and Tricks to Follow
Every one of us has come across the advice: credit cards should be used wisely. But knowing what is smart and doing what is smart are two different things altogether. With the increasing number of US young adults purchasing things with their plastics, the advice is worth repeating. 64% of 18-34 years olds say they...
Responsible for a Cybersecurity Budget? Top-Notch Ways to Spend Your Money
Last year was a bad year for cybercrime. In the UK alone, there were more than 5.1 million incidences of online fraud and 2.5 million cybercrime offenses. And one of the primary victims of all this crime is businesses. Protecting your business against cybercrime has never been a more pertinent issue. Your company could be...
A Guide to Balancing Your Household Budget
Every household spends money, but are you spending within your means? Taking control of your financial situation and balancing that household budget is essential. This guide will let you do it. Compare Spending with Earning Before you do anything else, you need to get to grips with the reality of your current situation. That means...
Keeping Your Budget is Easy if You Change Your Life Instead
If you have a budget that just won’t work, something’s got to give. Many people change the budget in this situation. But I’m going to suggest the novel idea that instead of reworking the budget, you rework your life instead. This will be harder for some readers than others, as professional and family connections make...
How to Redesign a Movie Auditorium on a Budget
Redesigning a movie auditorium is a really exciting project and one that could potentially be used to make a profit. Whether you’ve purchased a movie auditorium for personal use or have dreams of setting up your own independent cinema that will be open to the public, making sure that your auditorium is comfortable and set...
Couponing: A Better Way to Save in 2014
Maybe you know, were raised by, or are a coupon lady. We all know the type. In years past, hardcore couponers curated hefty binders to house their precious double and triple savings paper coupons. Couponing was a calling, a preoccupation, a lifestyle. For these committed shoppers, the payoffs could often be unpredictable. Coupon clippers would...
How Should You Budget For Christmas?
Christmas is a time to enjoy the company of your loved ones and slow down a bit before the start of the New Year. But it can also be quite a stressful time when it comes to money. A lot of people end up spending quite a lot of money during this holiday season and...
Save Money & Plan Ahead With Budget Software
More and more families are needing to stretch their monthly budgets just a bit farther. It certainly isn’t easy, but it can be done. One thing that can be quite helpful is using budgeting software. Some discover what money management expert Richard Bach has called “the latte factor,” small expenses that regularly drain your finances....