Some people forget to think about their finances or what life will be like when they hit retirement age. It’s understandable, of course. When we are in our twenties or thirties and so on, it can seem so far away. But time creeps up on us so quickly and before we know it, we will...
after retirement
Tag: after retirement
Are You Going To Work Beyond The Age Of 60 Because You Want To?
More than one in five retirees continues to work even when they have gone well beyond the age of 60. A good number of these retirees will not be in this condition if they didn’t get stuck on a poorly-paying annuity plan. According to a recent survey (by Retirement Assured), life is definitely not slowing...
Sound Financial Planning for Your Post-Retirement Years
America is busily preparing for the expected rise in retirees as more baby boomers exit the workforce each year. As such, many of our financial gurus are gearing up to help educate and prepare this segment of our population towards maintaining financial solvency and independence for longer periods of retirement. Preparing your budget for your...