Nowadays, people tend to think that the only way to make significant money is to set up their own business. They think that they have to come up with an innovative product concept, design and develop it, manufacture it, and sell it to consumers around the world. Now, this, of course, is a brilliant plan. After all, a small business based on unique consumer products is a brilliant way to make a stable income. But have you ever considered investing as another money-making scheme to get involved in?

Investing involves purchasing something at a low price with the intent of selling it at a higher price. Sounds relatively simple right? The good news is that it can be. You just need an eye for detail and to know what items you can make a decent profit from. To succeed, you’re going to have to invest in commodities with a particularly high resale value. This gives you a better chance of avoiding loss and making a profit. Here are a few different products that you should consider specializing in!

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Nowadays, the majority of people have smartphones. But the latest phones on the market do tend to have a particularly high price tag. It’s not all too surprising that the majority of us avoid upgrading our contracts and instead look online to buy second-hand models. You can profit significantly by selling smartphones. Keep an eye out for individuals selling their old cells for a low price when they upgrade their own contracts. Then sell these on for a higher price on online auction sites. Keep a particular eye out for Apple smartphones. These tend to hold the best resale value, as Apple is a highly desirable brand.


Gold has always held at a high value. When you actually think about it, this may seem a little odd. After all, besides being aesthetically attractive, you can’t do a whole lot with it. But societies around the world have long associated this substance with monetary value for years now, and this is something that it has managed to maintain until this very day. So, consider buying gold from Sprott Money. Unlike paper money, gold has retained significant value for a huge portion of human history. It provides an excellent hedge against inflation and can almost always be sold off for a good profit.

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Designer Clothing

There are certain objects that will always be desirable, as the majority don’t have access to them. Items of designer clothing are out of the majority of people’s budget, making people want them more. So, you can make a serious amount of money by keeping an eye out for designer items in charity stores or for sale second-hand from individuals who have enough money to keep up with the trends. List on online auction sites, as this is where the majority of people tend to look for cheaper second-hand goods.

These are just a few different commodities that retain their value well, allowing you to sell them on for much more than you invested into them!

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