As your insurance is likely to be one of the biggest expenses incurred when you own a van? it makes sense to try and cut the cost down however you can. This is particularly important when it is used in conjunction with your business as the costs can easily mount and eat into your profits. Here are some tips on how you can cut down on your insurance costs: –
Improve your driving
Improving your driving will not only reduce the risk of you being involved in accidents but will also reduce the chances of you having to make claims which are sure to bump up your insurance premiums. Another option is to take an advanced driving course. This will help to show insurances companies that you are a ‘safe’ driver and should help to lower your premiums.
Named Drivers
Although having named drivers may be necessary for your work? it could be costly when it comes to your insurance. You can try to keep this to a minimum by ensuring that you keep you add as few a named drivers to a minimum and by thoroughly vetting those that you do add.
Another simple way of reducing the cost of your insurance, and which you might like to do anyway, is to secure your vehicle. This can be done by adding an alarm, extra locks, or even an immobilizer. This will not only help to keep your vehicle and any tools that you are likely to keep in it safe but will also reduce the risk your insurance companies perceive your van to be in.
Type of Cover
The type of cover that you choose could also reduce the number of your insurance premiums. Although you must have sufficient insurance coverage to protect yourself and others it is also worth considering, realistically, how much coverage you actually need. After all, if you have a really old van that is worth very little you may not feel that you need the same coverage as if you have a brand new van. In either circumstance, you will need at least a third party or third party with fire and theft coverage but you may not feel that you need fully comprehensive cover.
Voluntary excess
You may also be able to reduce your voluntary excess by agreeing to a higher voluntary excess than they initially offer you.
Ask the Experts
One final way you could save money on your car insurance is to get a company such as APlan to do the leg work for you. Insurance brokers will look at all of the different policies for you and come up with a cover that is tailored to you.
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