(Image link: http://bit.ly/2te4M0s)
If there’s one thing that can really hold your business website back, it’s speed. The speed with which the pages load is of the highest importance possible. With a slow website, you have a site that provides a very bad user experience. This isn’t a good thing for multiple reasons. Mainly, one of the key ranking factors is how good the UX is on a website. If your site is slow, it won’t rank highly. Also, people don’t want to wait for more than a split second or two for something to load. It frustrates them, they’re not satisfied and they leave, which means your bounce rate is too high.
So, you might struggle to gain traffic, and the traffic you gain will leave right away. As such, it’s hard for your business to generate leads and sales through your website. Therefore, your business will suffer.
Keeping that in mind, how do you avoid falling victim to a slow website? It’s simple, carry on reading to find out more:
Application Performance Monitoring
One of the first things you can do is use something known as application performance monitoring to analyze your site. A lot of people wonder what is application performance monitoring, and how does it work? It’s quite simple, on a basic level you have your website, and you can decide certain things to look at and watch over. In this case, you can monitor the speed of your site. What you do is create an alert that tells you when your site is too slow. If for whatever reason, your website hits this low speed, you will know about it. The benefit of this is that you know when your site is too slow, and you can work on solutions to the problem. Keep track of when the alerts go off, and you may find patterns that tell you why the site is slow. Once you’ve found out what’s causing the slowness during these periods, you can fix it.
Trim Down Your Website
Secondly, you need to start trimming down your website. There are external factors such as traffic spikes that might slow your loading speeds down, but that’s why you monitor your site to figure this out. In general, most slow websites are caused by internal factors such as too much big media. Videos might look cool, but they’re quite large files that cause your site to work a lot harder and may make it slow for some people to load. The same goes for huge images, you need to optimize all the images on your site, so they’re the right size and don’t take ages to load. Essentially, trim down your site and make it leaner, so there’s less stuff to load, meaning it won’t be slow.
There might only be two tips here, but they’re two incredibly valuable tips. Most of the time, websites are slow because they’re bombarded with too much information and data. Cut yours down, get rid of videos, and make the images more suited to your site. Also, monitor the performance of your website so you can see if external factors might be causing slowness too.
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