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Category: Trading


Trading Options: Everything You Need to Know To Get Started

Image source Pixabay If you have never traded options before or if you know that you want to start exploring everything it has to offer but you don’t quite know how then you have come to the right place. Here you can find out whatever you need to know and without spending hours researching information....


Timing for Trading the Euro

Image via Pixabay The euro is the second most liquid currency after the US dollar. It is then followed by the Japanese Yen and the British pound. Whilst it is possible to trade the euro versus a whole range of other currencies, the most popular are the following: EUR/USDEUR/CHFEUR/ JPYEUR / GBP As with the...


Why Are Support & Resistance Lines So Useful?

Image via Pixabay Support and Resistance is one another extremely useful tool in trading and one that I don’t think gets the attention it deserves. If I was told I could choose just one indicator to use, I think it would probably be support and resistance. The reason for this is because support and resistance...


Trader.Online Forex broker review:

Nowadays, you can find Forex brokers all over the internet. Those having the desire to start trading can find a lot of brokers out there, but choosing a broker, in particular, can be real trouble for some. In this review, we will take a closer look at Trader.Online and whether this broker is worth a...


The Road To Riches

Image Credit Today, most people earn money by trading units of time. The problem with this approach is that there are only so many units of time available and there’s a ceiling to what people are willing to pay for a unit of time. Of course, there are things you can do to enhance the...


Do You Have What It Takes To Be An Algorithmic Trader?

On the surface, algorithmic trading seems like the very definition of passive income. Imagine it. Entrusting your portfolio to a bespoke piece of software designed to buy and sell stocks based on algorithms that are designed to facilitate growth. It must be like having a tiny robot stockbroker in your pocket who never gets tired,...


Forex Traders – Learn To Admit When You Are Wrong

We have seen many traders who cannot admit when they are wrong. It is not a psychological disorder among traders but it is a common disorder that can be found in humans. When we are trading in forex, we do not like to admit that we have done something wrong. It is better to join...


Currency Valuation and its effect on Forex market

Currency valuation is the setting of the exchange rate of a nation’s currency. It is very important as the national government can influence the price rate of the government currency to make some important decisions like boosting their international export and also to lessen the foreign debts sometimes. We are going to give you some...

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