The internet has proved to be the least policed area of the modern world thanks to the worldwide access and incredible problems that come with trying to regulate billions of users and hundreds of millions of websites. Whilst you can never of course guarantee absolute safety online we can help you in avoiding some of...
Four Scenarios for Pension Buyouts
When companies are looking to downsize but would rather not lay off workers, they often offer a corporate pension buy-out (for companies in the private sector) or civil pension buyouts (for those in the governmental sector). Buyouts typically do not offer as much money as early retirement options, but they can still be invaluable to...
How to make a nest egg from your empty nest
Every parent knows the mixture of feelings that occur when children leave home. There is happiness that they are independent adults and perhaps a little sadness as well. After all, your life has revolved around them for so long. Now though, you are free to do what you want. With the financial burden lifted, you...
What Is the American Dream in 2011 and Beyond?
The American Dream has always been coined as the dream of homeownership. Owning a home, raising a family, and being able to do the things one wants whether it be family vacations or investing, has always been that ideal for many Americans. In fact, the ability to create your own life and to live as...
Teaching your Children the Importance of Money and Budgeting
Did you know that the ability to have financial independence lies in your budgeting skills? One of the wisest investments that you will ever make is to not just practicing having a budget but also teaching your children the importance of money and sharing your knowledge with them. Children are easy to teach. They learn...
Developing Good Money Habits
In the face of some of our country’s toughest economic times, we are forced to get back to the basics of imagination and creativity. Here are a few tips to getting your personal finances under control, while establishing habits to save money and create savings for your future. Put Your Household on a Budget First,...
Are you due a spending makeover?
The question ‘do I need a spending makeover?’ is one that we should all ask ourselves regularly. New financial products are being introduced, there are always inviting incentives to switch providers and, of course, credit card balance transfer deals such as those to be found here. Circumstances too might have changed. Saving to buy a...
8 Ridiculous Ways People Try to Save Money
There’s no shame—in fact, many would say it’s financially wise—to live an inexpensive lifestyle. Clipping coupons, buying items on sale, cooking food at home, bringing the leftovers to eat for lunch at work the next day, and shopping at secondhand stores are all simple and unobtrusive ways to save a lot of money in the...
Sound Financial Planning for Your Post-Retirement Years
America is busily preparing for the expected rise in retirees as more baby boomers exit the workforce each year. As such, many of our financial gurus are gearing up to help educate and prepare this segment of our population towards maintaining financial solvency and independence for longer periods of retirement. Preparing your budget for your...
High Street Money Saving Tips
Unfortunately, we are in a global recession and many of us are still feeling the heat of this. Whilst the economic downturn rages on, you may be surprised to learn that there are many things you can do to actually save on your monthly expenses without having to sacrifice the things that you love and enjoy doing. For...