With commodity prices and fuel prices always on the rise, it is very important for one to manage their finances efficiently. Although there are plenty of books on this vital topic, the basics of holding a good financial status at all times remain the same. A few important tips that will ensure your financial security...
The Infinite Banking Concept
The essence of the Infinite Banking Concept is how to recover the interest that you normally pay to a banking institution through the use of dividend-paying life insurance. This way the policy owner makes what a banking institution does. It is a third alternative to making a purchase. Instead of losing opportunity cost on cash...
Save Money and Time: Why Being Single Isn’t So Bad for Your Checkbook
While I just recently graduated college, most of my friends are already married or in the process of engagement. One particularly impatient friend even has a baby on the way. Being the selfish single lady that I am, I’ve noticed that their exclusive partnerships are causing problems for me. Most annoyingly, I’m struggling to find...
Budgeting for the Divorce Process – Don’t Become a Statistic
If you are thinking about getting a divorce then now is the time to start making a budget for you and your family. This will help you get through the process without having to deal with the added financial pressure. One of the biggest mistakes people make when they get divorced is not getting ready...
Control Over Our Finance Is Not So Easy.
Keeping control over our finances is not as easy as we think. Few people can hit this mark positively while most fail to succeed in this process. Achieving a financial plan is highly desired yet difficult for most to succeed. Normally, we can find lots of articles published on the web for financial planning. We...
How To Avoid Bank Fees
Having a bank account is a necessary part of everyday life. It is safer and tremendously more convenient than cash. However, the fees that are incurred are not so pleasant. Thankfully, there are ways to minimize what you pay. Banks are in the business of making money but there are some fees that can be...
Using Net Banking or Internet Banking Services
When people think of using net banking or internet banking services, they think of being cheated. This is a risky thing to do in our minds because we have all heard horror stories of internet fraud and scams. Many people think banking online means they’re opening themselves up to fraudulent banking. Contradictory to popular belief,...