Contrary to popular belief, marketing isn’t reserved for multi-million dollar corporations. Indeed, thanks to the rise of the internet, companies of all sizes can use digital marketing tactics to improve their financial standing. The truth is, all good marketing strategies are formed with the intention of generating leads, sales, and revenue. Today we’ll take a closer look at the financial side of small-business marketing and explore three benefits it offers:
Exposure Equals Profit
This may sound obvious, but a customer has to know a business exists before they can patronize it. In brief, the role of digital marketing is to expand a company’s exposure through search engine optimization (SEO). SEO tactics ensure that a company’s website ranks for lucrative keywords related to that business. Websites that occupy the top few rankings on search engines (like Google) hold a major advantage over their competitors with less visibility online. Note that reaching the first page for Google search results is critical for the long-term viability of your business.
Trade Knowledge for Currency
One staple of modern marketing is the blog post. Blogposts may not seem like lucrative enterprises at first glance, but the reality is that well-written blog posts offer readers valuable insight into a product or service. The higher quality of the blog post, the more a consumer will be inclined to trust that company in the future. Believe it or not, there are plenty of profitable opportunities that stem from writing content about obscure products like k3edta tubes or organic nail-polish remover. Regardless of your business’s specialty, rest assured that there’s a niche for it online.
Qualified Lead Generation
Does your sales staff ever complain about the lack of qualified leads they receive? If so, then you can use digital marketing to rectify this issue. Old-school efforts like cold-calling are inefficient at best and flat-out wasteful in many instances. Rather than forcing your sales team to work miracles, effective marketing strategies inspire interested consumers to reach out to your organization. When sales pros get to interact with excited, informed leads, they’ll naturally perform better and close more deals.
The Bottom Line
Small businesses that abstain from digital marketing’s best practices will struggle to generate new customers and retain the ones they have currently. No industry is exempt from the need for effective marketing. Yes, focusing solely on traditional advertising methods can help alleviate some of the problems small businesses face, but commercials on radio and television are expensive, and may not present a reasonable return on investment. The good news is, it doesn’t take much to get started with a digital marketing campaign. All you need is an understanding of your customer base and a willingness to provide them with useful content!
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