Home Budgeting Finance Travel Insurance: Does it Cover a Stroke?

Travel Insurance: Does it Cover a Stroke?

Bad travel stories are not always only about stolen cameras, shattered expectations, bad reception from locals or tedious flights. Things can get more serious. You might have one of your co-travelers (e.g. mother, father, friend or for that matter any family member) or you yourself falling prey to a serious illness. Imagine how painful it might be to see your travel partner suffering thus, when all you’re supposed to do is to soak in the spirit of a well-earned vacation. Besides the emotional impact, you also need to consider the monetary aspects under such circumstances. One can only reduce the chances of such happenings by taking proper medicines or other timely precautions. But you cannot really expect to guarantee full-proof resistance to such incidents. Additionally, it won’t always be possible for you to fund the necessary medical care while you’re on the move. So it’s prudent to be financially prepared for such circumstances by securing travel insurance.

travel-insurance_2002428bToday, in this post, we’ll put one of the most common but serious diseases suffered by travelers—- stroke— under the scanner. People often fail to realize the importance of securing travel insurance unless they are struck by some sort of disease.

There are some insurance carriers that do not cover people who have suffered from stroke in the past. But stroke is as serious a medical condition as other diseases and it should be imperative for insurance providers to offer similar benefits to stroke patients.

Some facts about travel insurance covering stroke

Some of the insurance providers probably shy away from covering a stroke owing to the fact that it’s critical and may lead to other related diseases such as heart attack, diabetes, depression as well as pneumonia. But with the help of better research, you might as well be able to find a carrier which meets all your needs.

Getting a travel insurance policy after a stroke might be difficult, but not impossible, altogether. If you have had an attack within the last three months (while applying for the insurance) or for that matter, many years ago, you might qualify for the policy, tailored suitably for meeting your needs. However, there are chances of you being rejected for the same if you’re awaiting a surgery or further investigations.

Your physician has to approve of your journey in order for you to qualify for the travel insurance policy.

While disclosing your medical condition to your insurer you need to furnish proper medical certificates to back your claim (that you really had a stroke in the past). The company might as well confirm the same from your hospital. You will only qualify once the insurance company is amply sure that you’re speaking the truth.

The insurance will cover all the medical expenses in the event of the policy holder suffering a stroke while on the trip. They will also compensate the money in case you have to cancel the trip owing to the stroke related issues and also offer coverage of your traveling companion’s expenses. This covers the flight and accommodation expenses of the person who’s accompanying you while you’re undergoing treatment in your trip.

In short, the terms of travel insurance for a stroke might differ from company to company. You should seek the ones that suit your needs the most.

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