Home Budgeting Education The Career Options of Economics Students

The Career Options of Economics Students

Many recent graduates are still suffering the sting of an education that isn’t paying off. Lots of students have been burned by this reality and are working for less money in fields that they never set out to be involved with. Some go so far as to recommend never entering university at all. While this may be a prudent choice for some people, there is still some wisdom in investing in yourself, in an education that will pay off. The years of going to college for no specific reason. But for those with a clearly understood career path in mind, college still works. Especially in the field of economics, which we’ll discuss here.

When people imagine the future life of an economics major, the image of a desk-bound government accountant is frequently evoked. It’s true, some economics students will go on to work on the nuts and bolts of unemployment, inflation, interest, and tax rates. But in reality, economics degrees are very versatile things to have on the job hunt.

Economics degree qualifications are themselves pretty diverse, and that’s why the degree lends itself to so many destinations. Most of these graduates will find themselves employed in the finance or business worlds. The positions tend to involve the charting of the market and consumer trends. These employees make sure that the companies that employ them spend wisely and efficiently. They may also find themselves involved with specific products and campaigns. The math and analysis skillsets developed in economic studies also enable students to pursue social and anthropological work, as well as anything data or research-based. Urban planning, crime studies, demographic research are several of the various job sites that will work for these graduates.

Here are some other jobs that are available after economics studies are completed at the bachelor level: accountant, auditor, budget analyst, health services manager, teacher, insurance underwriter, logistician, survey researcher. The list doesn’t end here. Every industry benefits from economically knowledgeable employees. Your own career path will be directed largely by your own initiate, ambition, and hard work.

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