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Tag: savings

The Importance of Financial Literacy

The Importance of Financial Literacy

We go to school to learn new things. We want to be able to equip ourselves with the knowledge and skills necessary for adult life. Math, Science, English. These are all important subjects. But I believe that the most important subject of all is not taught at universities. Rather, it is taught in the school...


Setting Short Term Goals for Long Term Savings

Saving money for the long term can be one of the hardest things to sustain and accomplish over a prolonged period of time. With all the various emergencies, repairs, and replacements that can pop up throughout the year, it can often be a near-impossible task to keep your finances in check. Whether you’re saving for...


To Budget or Not to Budget that is the Question

We’ve all been enticed by that “awesome new what-cha-ma-call-it” before. So what is it that gets us to pull out our wallets and hand over our hard-earned money instead of putting it away into savings? A lot of it has to do with the emotional appeal of whatever it is we’re considering purchasing. In the...


How to make a nest egg from your empty nest

Every parent knows the mixture of feelings that occur when children leave home. There is happiness that they are independent adults and perhaps a little sadness as well. After all, your life has revolved around them for so long. Now though, you are free to do what you want. With the financial burden lifted, you...

8 Ridiculous Ways People Try to Save Money

8 Ridiculous Ways People Try to Save Money

There’s no shame—in fact, many would say it’s financially wise—to live an inexpensive lifestyle. Clipping coupons, buying items on sale, cooking food at home, bringing the leftovers to eat for lunch at work the next day, and shopping at secondhand stores are all simple and unobtrusive ways to save a lot of money in the...


How has the budget affected you?

The Government insists that their recent budget announcements are not about raising tax but are about reforming the economy in order to enable future growth. The impact of the budget, however, will be felt by individual UK households with some gaining and some losing, and with a number of fundamental reforms set to take place,...


Using Your Savings

I’ve recently read loads of personal finance stories that deal with how to save money, but I haven’t seen many that state what you can actually do when you’ve reached your savings goal. Everyone’s savings goals are different, some people save for a particular product that they like the look of, whereas others save for...

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