Home Budgeting Finance Money-Saving Tips for New Moms

Money-Saving Tips for New Moms

Money-Saving Tips for New Moms

Ah… The feeling of being a new mom. So much joy. So much hope. And so many questions… It’s a very exciting time. From the wonder to the uncertainty, being a new mom comes with a laundry list of new chores, new responsibilities, and new expenses.
However, being informed is the best way to keep these under control. Also, saving money as a new mom can be a challenge, but it can be done with the right know-how.


Breastfeeding gives infants the nutrients they need to grow healthy and strong. It may also help new moms get back to their pre-pregnancy weight faster. Breastfeeding offers several health benefits for baby and mom, and lo and behold, it’s also a lot cheaper than bottle-feeding. New moms can save about $1,000 a year by breastfeeding.

Shop Online for Baby Products

Shopping online lets new moms take care of all their baby-shopping without leaving the house. That means no gas and they get to stay home with the baby. Shopping online is also one of the best ways to save money on baby products. And the reason is simple: there are many more baby stores online than in any neighborhood so the competition drives down cost. Additionally, online stores don’t have the same overhead so they can afford to sell the same items at lower prices. Plus you can shop around for online clearance items, promo codes, and free shipping. Some websites also offer rewards programs and giveaways.

Buy Cloth Diapers
A pack of disposable diapers can cost anywhere from $10 to $30. That may not seem like much, but it really does add up over time. A newborn baby can very easily go through a pack of diapers in three weeks. New moms can save over $500 a year (and upwards of several thousand dollars in a two-and-a-half-year period) by buying cloth diapers. Cloth diapers are a little more expensive than disposable diapers, but they last much, much longer. That means cloth diapers not only save you long-term costs of buying new disposable diapers every few weeks but also help do your part for the environment.
Use coupons

Mailer coupon books are usually chockfull of baby item discounts. Cut and save! But don’t stop there. If you’re already shopping online, go to sites like Coupon Cabin and Retail Me Not for promo codes to your favorite online stores. Coupons can be a money-saving mom’s best friend. Moms who use coupons can save from 20-50 percent on baby products.

These tips are only the beginning. Remember, knowledge is the key to saving.

Do your own research. Find out when stores update their product lines and buy out of season. Visit thrift stores. Shop at eBay and Craigslist. The list goes on, but the point is motherhood doesn’t have to put a hole in your pocket.

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