Home Budgeting Investing Investing in the Global Financial Markets: Surviving Brexit

Investing in the Global Financial Markets: Surviving Brexit

We live in a fast-paced world with an ever-changing geopolitical and socio-economic landscape. As 2016 comes to its end, we can say this has been a year of ups and downs. The last six months alone have shown how global political events can instill havoc into financial markets.

Brexit is a prime example of how a geopolitical event can inflict the global financial markets with instability. The unexpected result of the Brexit referendum cost the world’s stock markets trillions of US dollars. According to the UK’s Guardian newspaper, in the first 24 hours after the results of the vote were made known, Brexit cost the global financial markets about 2 trillion US dollars, while the British pound had to endure its biggest slide-down against the world’s major currencies in recent history. To add insult to injury, at the same time, Moody’s downgraded Britain’s economic outlook to negative. Observers were watching, and continue to watch, the value of one of the greatest currencies, the GBP, restated and revalued in what seems to some as a fall from power.

Brexit continues to make headlines

Juliet Samuel, in her opinion piece published in the Telegraph, writes that British Prime Minister, Theresa May, has admitted that she lies awake worrying about the consequences of Brexit and how to achieve the best trade deal for the UK. In attitudes that are far from ideal for anybody, EU spokesmen keep on reiterating that they are going to make it as difficult as possible for Britain to leave the EU and that they are going to demand major financial penalties from the British government for leaving the European Union. Threats they might live to regret, however, as the UK is Europe’s biggest export market.

For the average man on the street, the sticking points between the EU and the UK consist in: (a) Britain wants the freedom to trade with the EU as she is currently doing; and (b) she is not happy with a policy of open borders where migrants with terrorist inclinations from war-torn countries such as Syria are allowed to move through Europe and enter Britain endangering her security.

The EU, on the other hand, wants exactly the opposite, and they are saying they will not allow free trade if Britain does not capitulate on the movement of migrants through her borders. But this is not the full story. In fact, the heart of the tensions is about sovereignty. Specifically, the sovereignty of the UK banking system. UK bankers know EU member states cannot grow economically without serious constitutional reforms of the EU, and if the EU is not growing economically this is bad for UK prospects for growth.

On top of this, the Euro shall remain weak until its member states show some sustainable growth that is not related to actions of quantitative easing by the EU’s central bank. In short, the EU and UK economies are inseparably related. If the UK’s economic growth outlook is poor that is definitely bad news for Europe in general. The real experts know Brexit is a wake-up call for EU statesmen to get real, to depart from rhetorical ideas, and practice some Realpolitik.

Partnering for success

Despite these volatile times, it is always possible to make profits from binary options and to trade successfully on the world’s financial markets. Your online trading partner, or broker, will play a large role in determining your trading success. To find a world-class broker, you will need to do a fair amount of research by reading reviews, looking at websites, and talking to other traders via discussion forums.

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Final thoughts: Investing safely and successfully

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Image Source: http://i.investopedia.com/dimages/graphics/financial_market.jpg

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