Home Business How to Deal With Your Leads

How to Deal With Your Leads

For many years there have been various solutions developed by vendors to score leads automatically. However, despite their best efforts, there is still nothing quite like the human mind when it comes to evaluating and scoring the leads you are working on.

You will find below a six-question scoring system that can help you evaluate and qualify leads. The system has two parts: the pre-discovery call and post-discovery call, each of which has three questions. One point is given to each question:

Pre-Discovery-Call Questions

  1. Why does this prospect want to talk to me? This kind of question should give you a clue that the prospect is interested in seeing you get your help in solving a problem with his business. Otherwise, the lead earns nothing. Any increase in the book value should show ROI figures so that you can use it to sweeten your proposal.
  2. What is the title of the person I’m going to be speaking with? It is very important to know the position of the person in the organizational structure of the company he’s working for. This is because you want to be sure how your lead is going to progress. The lead won’t earn a point if you’d only speak to a person at a managerial level or below. Otherwise, the lead scores a point.
  3. Did the prospect accept the calendar invite? The lead will earn a point if the prospect accepts your invitation to a meeting. Your lead will also get a point if he sent you an email to confirm his attendance at a meeting. Otherwise, give it a zilch.

Post-Discovery-Call Questions

  1. Did the call occur? Your lead will earn a point if you were able to meet and talked to your prospect in person as scheduled. Otherwise, zero points.
  2. Was the lead write-up accurate? You need to be sure that the prospect gave you accurate information about his company’s issues. The prospect should also confirm with you the information that was provided by your teleprospecting rep. Give your lead a point if the above statements are true.
  3. Is the lead moving on to the next step in my sales process? In every lead, you want to make sure that it will take you to the next step. The next step would be either setting up another meeting with your prospect or closing the deal. If you were able to do that, then your lead earns a point.

Scoring Your Leads

Find the total points earned from all of those questions. Write it down to keep a record. Your teleprospecting rep must get at least 8 points (out of 10) to qualify him or her as a top performer.

In the same manner, assess the performance of your overall team, then multiply by six the total number of leads, add all points earned for passing leads. Find the percentage by dividing the points earned by the number of points available. You need to receive at least 80% of the available points on your performance if you want to be sure your entire team is performing as well as they could.

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